Prompt in

I have a array (size 6725) of parallels of the kind:

sag	sn4.25						
sag	an10.26	sn4.25					
uv1	t213.1	uv-kg1	t212.1					
dhp21	gdhp115	ja520	pdhp14	t210.10	t212.4	t213.4	uv4	sag	uv-kg4	uvs4									
dhp349	t210.32	t212.3	t213.3	uv3	sag	uv-kg3											uv-kg3	uv3	t212.3	t213.3	dhp337				
uv5	dhp217	t210.24	t212.6	t213.5	sag	uv-kg5	uvs5						
uv9	t210.17	t212.10	t213.9	sag	uv-kg9	uvs9

parallels are array contain two or more items.

I have an array called root of size 1119 of items. item in root are either of the form "sag" or "sn4.25" or they can be of the form "js520-525" (with a dash representing a range of item, from "js520" to "js525").

Note that item in parallels are never range, they are single items)

We want to loop through all the item in root and check if they are contains in a parrallel. If they are, we want to add all the items of the found parallel to the item we are looping. We dont want duplicte.

Can you give me that function in js


function addParallelItems(root, parallels) {
 // Helper function to remove duplicates from an array
 function removeDuplicates(array) {
    return [ Set(array)];

 // Loop through each item in the root array
 root.forEach((item, index) => {
    // Check if the item is a range
    if (item.includes('-')) {
      const [start, end] = item.split('-');
      // Loop through each parallel
      parallels.forEach(parallel => {
        // Check if any item in the parallel is within the range
        parallel.forEach(parallelItem => {
          if (parallelItem >= start && parallelItem <= end) {
            // Add the parallel items to the root item, ensuring no duplicates
            root[index] = removeDuplicates([...root[index], ...parallel]);
    } else {
      // If the item is not a range, directly check for its presence in parallels
      parallels.forEach(parallel => {
        if (parallel.includes(item)) {
          // Add the parallel items to the root item, ensuring no duplicates
          root[index] = removeDuplicates([...root[index], ...parallel]);

 return root;

// Example usage
const root = ['sag', 'sn4.25', 'js520-525'];
const parallels = [
 ['sag', 'sn4.25'],
 ['uv1', 't213.1', 'uv-kg1', 't212.1'],
 ['dhp21', 'gdhp115', 'ja520', 'pdhp14', 't210.10', 't212.4', 't213.4', 'uv4', 'sag', 'uv-kg4', 'uvs4'],
 // Add more parallels as needed

const updatedRoot = addParallelItems(root, parallels);